Welcome to the peak March issue

Welcome to the peak March issue

Personal experience can be a powerful driver of the stories we tell – don’t look for anything but the concerning story of this month. We had an animal research worker who is a vox future perfect man, dug into the human consequences of controversial practice. We also have a personal essay on March, focused on … Read more

Why can a Chinese gadget company make an electric car and Apple can’t

Why can a Chinese gadget company make an electric car and Apple can't

After almost ten years of attempt, Apple Finully resigned last year’s efforts to make an electric car and canceled a project that had soaked $ 10 billion. Last year, however, in China, Xiaomi electronics manufacturer introduced its first electric, because after just three years of development and supplied 135,000 vehicles. In 2025, this number was … Read more

Note President IEEE: Work on Oneee

Note President IEEE: Work on Oneee

Transformation line for better IEEE It is how I describe my vision for 2025. Work for “One Iee” encapsulates the idea of ​​this major suction. Together we have the opportunity to support meaningful cooperation that allows us to be much more than the sum of our individual parts. Although the focused and publication efforts of … Read more